Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ramon Lamos (Atos head coach) triangle defense

A simple technique for today. Atos is one of the most prestigious BJJ teams out there today. As I referred to in an earlier post, champions are performing techniques with greater precision, more details, and better timing. When you observe even something simple/basic done by an average black belt, and a mundials champion, there are most likely several important things that will differ. This can be easily seen in the video above.


mjunta said...


Douglas said...

Wow, he's a real pro!

John said...

More instructional stuff like this. love to improve my ground game.

Mark J P said...

I would not mess with that guy ;O

Morph1n3 said...

I need to learn this stuff.

Our Blog said...


Astaroth said...

that certainly looks effective.

Shummus said...

Great post and great blog, followed

Galahadxs said...

sweet blog man followed

Dragmire said...

I would like to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.