Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ezekial choke details

Here is a short video done by Caio Terra. A slight detail that a lot of people miss (bringing the wrist to the neck) pretty much increases the effectivity of this choke by several fold.

This goes to show you, no matter how basic the technique, there are many more details involved in terms of grips, steps, or timing that world champions do differently than the average Joe.

Now the video:


Anonymous said...

Very nice move!!

thetruthaboutGENETICS said...

That shit was intense! Great video, man.

Our Blog said...

Sweet move.

Pkblogger said...


Diego Sousa said...

great video! i didn't knew this wirst thing

Unknown said...

Wicked awesome!

Unknown said...

Very cool. Youtube is actually a great source for some solid instruction videos.

Lemmenkainen said...

Sweet video.

Havoc said...

What a BAMF.