Thursday, June 16, 2011

Basics? What does that even mean?

In bjj, a lot of people emphasize the basics over fancy new techniques. However, when an elite black belt performs the basics against other elite black belts, what is the main difference compared to when a white belt does it?

I believe that at a certain point, when a grappler is considered "advanced", they are able to perform all techniques with near perfection. The only thing that stops them from landing the moves is getting into the proper position, which leads me to my next point.

Set ups. The elite grapplers are excellent at attacking in chains (making the opponent worried about different moves) to such a high degree that they can land the basic moves as a response.

So in reality, basic moves need complex set ups. Get to drilling!

Now a highlight of Lucas Lepri, one of the best current leve grapplers


Jay said...

I want to train w/ Thomas Denny again.

Anonymous said...

Pensando em fazer umas aulas.

Douglas said...

Yeah, I think the basics are important. It's kind of a far-fetched comparison, but fighting games are just the same. Being able to use the basic moves well is way better than to just rely on a few advanced techniques that you can't pull off perfectly at will.

Anonymous said...

It's like a game a chess, I wish I knew how to do any moves in general >_<

Unknown said...

woah some crazy moves there! looks intense, must be very tiring.

slycoopert said...

I <3 the vague term basics

LightStand said...

Such a vague term, but thanks for the explanation

chillmastor said...

cool post
Keep it up