Currently I teach brazilian jiu jitsu and also am a student at the same time. I feel quite fortunate in that I found what I am passionate about so early in my life.
At the time of this post, I am a purple belt with 2 stripes and 7.5 years of very consistent non-stop training.
One thing that became much more important in my eyes is the best way to teach someone brand new in bjj.
What is the best curriculum/order in which to get them prepared for tournament success as fast as possible?
In my opinion it is:
1) escapes from everywhere
2) guard work starting with half guard and open guard
3) passing and takedowns
4) transitions
5) submissions
It is a simplified view of a very complex system, however I believe that in my opinion, proficiency in that particular order yields the fastest results.
And btw, here is a very technical back take from deep half guard.
Great, interesting read!
Always wanted to know that.
7.5 years of training :O
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